Introduction to Ethical Theory
Introduction to Ethical Theory for the Purposes of Teaching Bioethics Issues and Topics in the High School Classroom
The Greenwall Foundation in New York, New York, generously supported work to draft an "Introduction to Ethical Theory for the Purposes of Teaching Bioethics Issues and Topics in the High School Classroom" a/k/a "A Teaching Ethics Guide for Secondary School Teachers." Completed in draft form in June 2006 by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics' High School Bioethics Curriculum Project team, the document is still undergoing revision. Your comments are welcomed.
Please contact Laura Bishop, Ph.D., Program Director, High School Bioethics Curriculum Project [HSBCP], Kennedy Institute of Ethics if you are interested in reviewing this document (by email bishopl@georgetown.edu or by telephone at 202-687-3638).
You will receive a form requesting contact information, a description of your teaching experience, your areas of interest in bioethics, and your intended use of the "Introduction." The document will be sent to you in electronic format. In return, you must commit to send comments / suggestions for revision, including identifying needed additions or deletions to the text, describing sections that you found most and least helpful and why, and aspects that need further clarification or development. You may also be asked to respond to other questions related to the "Introduction to Teaching Ethics."
Thank you for your interest.
Laura Bishop