Bioethics Resources for High School Teachers and Students
The Kennedy Institute of Ethics and its library, the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, offer the following free resources and services to high school teachers and their students:
Search free, 24/7/365; use text word, subject, or numerical subject searching from our classification scheme.
- ETHXWeb contains over 292,000 citations to journal and newspaper articles, books, book chapters, reports, audiovisuals, and other documents (with some links to full-text or abstracts)
- GenETHX: Genetics and Ethics contains over 42,000 citations to journal and newspaper articles, books, book chapters, and audiovisual materials (with some links to full-text or abstracts); part of the National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics
Bioethics Bibliography Service or Quick Reference Help
Call 1-888-BIOETHX (M-F 9-5, Sat 12-5; Summer Hours: M-F 9-5) or fill out our online form to request free reading lists or case study references
Scope Notes & Quick Bibs
- Annotated bibliographies on topics in bioethics. (All titles from 1996 available full-text through Project Muse, for participating institutions)
- Scope Notes Nos. 15, 37, 38 - good resources for basic books in bioethics
- Scope Notes Nos. 17, 22, 24, 28, 38, and 39 - good resources for genetics
- Quick Bibs on topics in bioethics/genetics