High School Bioethics Syllabi
Teachers have submitted their course or unit syllabi. If you would like to contribute a syllabus for a bioethics course or for a bioethics unit or bioethics lesson plan, please send the information to Laura Bishop, Ph.D., Program Director, High School Bioethics Curriculum Project, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Box 571212, Washington, DC 20057-1212. All donations will be included in the Syllabus Exchange Collection of the High School Bioethics Curriculum Project and the Syllabus Exchange Project of the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature.
Bioethics Syllabi Resources
The National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature's Syllabus Exchange Project has gathered bioethics syllabi since 1986. Browse through the collection and find information about books and articles that may be helpful as you plan your own bioethics course, unit, or classroom discussion.